Fraud, Waste & Abuse
Health care fraud, waste and abuse hurts everyone including members, providers, taxpayers and TrueCare. As a result, TrueCare has a comprehensive fraud, waste and abuse program in our Program Integrity department. Please help us by reporting questionable activities and potential fraud, waste and abuse situations.
Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse
Anonymous Options | Non-Anonymous Options |
Call: 1-844-415-1272 | Fax: 1-800-418-0248 |
Write: TrueCare | Email: |
Please give a detailed description of the activity, including the:
- Provider/member/employee name
- Provider/member number, if available
- Date of activity
- Issue of concern
- All other pertinent information
Your report may be anonymous; however, if you do not provide your name, we will not be able to call you back for more information. Your message will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping fraud, waste and abuse out of health care.
TrueCare is required to provide you with information on the False Claims Act, please see details below.
False Claims Act
Visit False Claims Act for more information.
Prohibited Affiliations / 42 C.F.R. § 438.610
TrueCare is prohibited by federal and/or state provider agreements from knowingly having relationships with persons who are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from participating in federal procurement and non-procurement activities. Relationships must be terminated with any trustee, officer, employee, provider or vendor who is identified to be debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from participation in federal or state health care programs. If you or your office management employees are excluded, you must notify us immediately.
From the Office of the Inspector General
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has created free educational materials to assist in teaching physicians about the federal laws designed to protect Medicaid, Medicare and Marketplace programs and program beneficiaries from fraud, waste and abuse.
Please contact provider services or speak with your Provider Engagement Representative. Give us a call
Provider Services: 1-833-230-2174!