Provider Responsibilities

Providers are expected to deliver services in a culturally competent manner, which includes removing all language barriers, accommodating the unique ethnic, cultural and social needs of the member and understand that social determinants of health are recognized as significant contributors to member outcomes and quality of life.

TrueCare adheres to the National Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Standards (CLAS).

The United States Department of Health and Human Services defines Cultural Humility as the “reflective process of understanding one’s biases and privileges, managing power imbalances, and maintaining a stance that is open to others in relation to aspects of their cultural identity that are most important to them.”

TrueCare encourages our employees and providers to practice cultural humility through self-reflection, including awareness of our beliefs, values, and implicit biases, recognizing that cultural competency requires ongoing learning from those whose beliefs and experiences differ from our own, respecting the other person’s identity and acknowledging that each of us is the sole expert on ourselves.

Think Cultural Health: CLAS, Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility