Check Eligibility

We recommend that you check member eligibility every time a member presents for services. Changes in health status, such as pregnancy or certain medical conditions, may also cause changes in plan eligibility.

Important Tools & Resources
Provider PortalMember ID Card

You can easily verify member eligibility by accessing the provider portal or through an eligible Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) clearinghouse.

The member ID card is used to identify a member; it does not guarantee eligibility or benefits coverage.

Quick Tips: Member Consent

  • When you check eligibility on the provider portal, you can also determine if a member has granted consent to share sensitive health information (SHI). 
  • When a member has a sensitive health diagnosis (e.g., treatment for drug/alcohol use, genetic testing, HIV/AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases), you should verify if the patient has granted consent to share health information. On the portal, a message displays on the Member Eligibility page if the member has not consented to sharing sensitive health information.